Managing Mindfulness

Andy Allison

The tassie athlete podcast

May 12, 2021

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An insightful and powerful conversation with Tasmanian runner Andy Allison around mindfulness in sport.

In this episode, we chat with Tasmanian distance runner (turned cyclist, turned golfer, turned distance runner again) Andy Allison.

Andy has achieved plenty of success within the running landscape, including big name fun run victories and a mentor to seemingly each new crop of up and coming athletes - his story however hasn't been without its challenges...

This TA Podcast episode delves into his thoughts on the term mindfulness, an outcome of his experience with depression and anxiety over the years. Whilst still learning every day, it's an incredibly insightful and powerful discussion around how different the journey is for everyone and the apps, strategies and tips he has found useful.

The chat with Dominic delves into hanging with AFL players, his introduction to running as well as a conversation around how track and field could learn to be a bigger, more marketable product.

Grab your headphones, this episode is one not to be missed - as we again thank Andy for his time with the Tassie Athlete.

what's next?

September 25, 2022

Josh Beltz

A Tassie Expat Community

We caught up with Tokyo Olympian, Kookaburra hockey player and proud Tasmanian Josh Beltz to talk about his journey through the sport from grass roots through to the pinnacle of the game.

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April 30, 2021

5 Minute Friday

Bonus: A Love For Tassie

Our first Five Minute Friday recaps our current podcast guest's love for Tasmania.

Listen now
March 18, 2021

Annabel De Jong

The Endurance Addiction

Trails, epic adventures and mental health all tied into one candid, open chat.

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